Personal Introduction & Educational Philosophy

Personal Introduction & Educational Philosophy

An open mind is the greatest canvas on which we can create new ideas and possibilities, and I am ready to begin my masterpiece.

My focus is Secondary Art Education with a concentration in Drawing and Painting. However, I would consider myself a “Jack of all trades,” seeing as I weld, work with fused and pulled glass, sculpt, create digital art, and focus my energy into many other non-conventional media as well. I work to improve the skills I already have and I believe the best way to teach is to never stop learning.

In my personal role as a professional educator and teacher-leader, I have a responsibility to continually seek out knowledge and understanding in order to provide the most comprehensive and diverse educational experience possible for my students. I also have the responsibility to accommodate the many different students who pass through my classroom doors. When we can integrate the arts into curriculum effectively and with proven positive outcomes, we can truly address the needs of the whole child. These include emotional, psychological, and expressive needs; which may have otherwise been suppressed by a more rigid, objective, and uninformed educational system. In our current society, it is more important than ever to have the opportunity to be creative, be able to think critically, and to be able to solve problems effectively.

Art education should be an interest-based field, and by upholding a Progressive curriculum, students will have ample opportunities to explore their interests through hands-on and interactive activities. By keeping the students active in learning, e.g., by maintaining a student-centered classroom, group work, team games, and peer evaluations they will form stronger social bonds with their classmates. Students with Special Needs will be welcome in my classroom and also given the opportunity to control their learning choices. Projects and assignments will be flexible but formative. Each student will grow into their own artistic personality and as these characteristics develop, so will my focus on the needs of each student. Acting as a ‘guide on the side’ I will encourage the students to work independently, productively, and they will not be afraid to ask questions. I will set high expectations knowing that students are more than capable of meeting and exceeding expectations. 

Being an art teacher is as much about instruction and planning as it is about the development of each student’s own talents; every student should have a voice in every classroom. The Art Room is where their voices can be heard in multiple forms. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your teaching philosophy; well said! I completely agree that art addresses the "humanity" side of learning that core classes and standardization tend to leave out. Best of luck with your courses! :)
