Saturday, October 17, 2015

4th Grade Lesson Plan: Imaginary Island Maps

Island Maps

Students will illustrate maps of original imaginary places, complete with different geographical features, compass rose, and capitol city.

Grade Level: 4th grade

Time: 2-3 class periods
Key Artistic Concepts:
Line, shape, space, pattern, symbols

Lesson Objective(s):
Students will learn geographical feature words and assign drawn symbols to them. Students will learn about maps.

Students will be assessed on the following: visual translations of geographic terms, detail, organization

Key artwork/artist/artifact: teacher’s sample, presentation

Detailed Instructional Plan:
DAY 1: Students should be reminded of classroom expectations.
Lesson objective(s) for the day: Students will match geographic term words to the US map in presentation. Students will outline areas of ‘interest’ (rivers, borders, mountains, plains, etc). Students will begin to sketch their islands on big paper today, thinking about how to incorporate different geographical forms into their maps. Students will be encouraged to write down “facts” about their island or place. IF students complete both activities then they may begin to outline their islands with markers.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions:
Knowledge: (cognitive) geography, maps, U.S. map, personal experience
Skills: (psychomotor) outlining, sketching/drawing, writing
Instructional Strategies/Activities:
1. presentation – matching words to shapes/places on the map
2. Activity 1: writing/brainstorming about island design and features
            *required to include and label at least 5 geographical forms/features
3. Activity 2: sketching island on big paper
4. Activity 3: outlining with marker and beginning to section off areas of island
            1. after receiving paper, write your name on the back
2. write/brainstorm about your island
            3. sketch out island
            3. outline with marker and begin to section off island
Reinforce low voice level while working. Reinforce raising hand.

Detailed Instructional Plan:
DAY 2: Students should be reminded of classroom expectations.
Lesson objective(s) for the day: Students will be working on outlining their island, adding features and details, and adding labels and a Compass Rose. Students also need to incorporate a capitol city into their design. Students can use markers or markers and crayons to make finishing touches on their maps.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions:
Knowledge: (cognitive) geography, maps, symbol-making
Skills: (psychomotor) outlining, sketching/drawing, writing
Instructional Strategies/Activities:
1. presentation – inspiration images/ideas
            Talking about capitol cities – features, landmarks, etc.
Talking about the Compass Rose and designs
2. Activity 1: continue drawing and outlining with marker
            *required to include and label at least 5 geographical forms/features
3. Activity 2: begin labeling features, create a name for the place, add details
4. Activity 3: add well-drawn Compass Rose somewhere on the map
5. activity 4: fill in sections of map with corresponding colors and symbols for the geographical features/areas being shown (sand is yellow, tree symbols, mountain ranges)
            1. presentation
2. continue drawing and outlining with marker
            3. begin labeling features, create a name for your place, find the capitol!
            4. add details and a Compass Rose to your map

Reinforce low voice level while working. Reinforce raising hand.
*Optional: Teach students how to create ‘grid’ on their drawings (folding the paper into sections and darkening lines) and Longitude/Latitude.
Art Materials List:

18 x12 Construction paper (white)
18 x 12 Construction paper (color of choice)

Ms. K, signing off for now!

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